The end is in sight for Eastgate shopping centre as town's retail future ebbs away. 2,800 homes are planned in tower-block development

BASILDON's once iconic Eastgate shopping centre is set to be replaced by a tower block development of around 2,800 homes.
Over recent years the centre's three floors of shops have been replaced by more and more hoardings as retail and service businesses based there have struggled. A key blow was the loss of the Debenhams store which closed its doors for the final time in May last year.
At the time fears were expressed that it would spark not just the demise of the Eastgate Centre, but also town centre shopping where other keynote high street names such as BHS have gone to the wall.
And those fears appear well-founded. It now appears the town centre's future will be a mix of small retail, residential and entertainment. The building of the town centre's new East Square Empire cinema complex and its adjacent restaurant premises is one positive story in a sea of disappointment.
Basildon's Conservative-run Council has fought plans to redevelop the Eastgate centre but this week it lost the battle when the Planning Inspectorate decided to allow an appeal by developers InfraRed.
They have proposed a mixed-used development including 2,800 flats across several tower blocks, the largest of which would be 21 storeys tall.
InfraRed went to appeal on the grounds of non-determination last year after the plans were originally approved by the previous Labour-Independent administration but were later stalled by the incumbent Conservatives.
Tory councillors objected to the height, scale, massing and layout of the development, with one saying at an earlier planning meeting it could create a "town within a town".
This is the third major development in the town centre to have been allowed on appeal over the last year, after inspectors granted plans for 495 homes in Town Square in April and 429 homes in Market Square in December 2021.
According to the inspector's report, the scheme would be transformative for Basildon town centre.
A section read: "The proposal would result in a well-designed place, with particular reference to the height, scale, massing, and layout of the proposal, in the context of the existing buildings and townscape of Basildon Town Centre."
A later section read: "Whilst the scheme would to an extent create a new identity because the existing site has limited positive qualities, it would still be capable of drawing on local distinctiveness by reflecting the best bits of New Town architecture beyond the site."
After the appeal was submitted, the council voted to say it would have refused the application over its height, scale, massing, and layout, and its effect on heritage assets such as Brooke House.
It re-committed to this position in June, after the council withdrew its local plan, a blueprint for over 20,000 homes across the whole borough.
The flats themselves will be a mix of built-to-rent, open market sale, student accommodation, later living and co-living, according to the application. Additionally, the development will consist of new shops and commercial space.
Outline permission has been granted, so reserved matters are still yet to be approved.
Costs have not been awarded against the council, despite an application by the developer.
The full inspector's report can be read via this link.