Essex Oseo
By Neil Speight
Posted: Thursday, 14th January 2021 9:19 pm

Ben Calvert-Painter has been a qualified osteopath since 1998, working with professional sports persons including Premier League footballers, Professional Rugby players, Cricketers, MMA fighters and Boxers.
He also has a passion for working with expectant mothers and children, not only using the experience of working for over 20 years but also from having three children himself.
Ben is a lead trainer for CPD Today, who provide post-graduate training courses for manual therapists, including physiotherapists, osteopaths and more. Additionally, he is the UK head trainer for international taping company Strapit.
Contact details: Mobile: 07711 521233
Email: [email protected]50, Poley Road
Stanford-Le-HopeEssex SS17 0JJ
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